For new friends to my page, some info about my eyes.. I will always promote giving blind dogs a home. Extra special we are ♥️

25th Sept 2013 .. Bosley has Microphthalmia (that basically means small eyes). He is congenital blind, so, from birth has never seen, they can tell that from the eye flicker he has. His corneas and iris's also haven't developed properly. His pupils are misshapen, normal ones are round, his are almost diamond shape and the retinas are detached. He also has the beginnings of cataracts. The specialist said he'd put money on the fact that Bosley can see no light at all, his words were "if he was in a dark room and you put a light on, he'd have no idea the light was on". I wasn't expecting to be told he will be able to see, I wanted him checked out by a specialist and know we've done everything we can for him, I stayed with him throughout the examination......He's been with us 8 and a half weeks and know he is a very happy little lad.

4th Dec 2015, Bosleys eye had to be removed due to a bleed & glaucoma.

Hello, we’ve been asked to make cards from mums doodles. We’re always looking for ways to raise money for the Charity that saved Bosleys life, please see below details…. There is an album, called Boodle-Doodle Cards, please have a look.

Illustrated greeting cards, featuring our mums doodles.

Printed on white 5” x 5” 250gsm card,

envelopes included.

£2.50 each, plus postage.

Please order direct from

Percentage of sales will go to Bosleys charity that saved him Evesham Greyhound & Lurcher Rescue